store is very unique, offering a wide variety of musical instruments,
sheet music, lessons and much more, in an environment where we get
to know and value you as a customer.
We offer a comfortable environment for you to come in and browse without
being harassed by sales personnel. Our policy is to help you if you
need it, but we encourage browsing. |

owned and operated by Bob Bucci since 1975!
Music is an art enjoyed by everyone, and even more appreciated by
those who can play an instrument themselves.

As a musician, Bob Bucci knows how to supply a store and equip musicians
with the things they need. Bob and his wife Lillie have been an active
part of the music scene for many years. Bob is an excellent and accomplished
jazz drummer. He has also played vibes for many years.
At Tewksbury Music Center we strive to meet our customers needs. Our
music students are also one of our main focuses.
We Moved! All new and completely remodeled! Our new entrance is now
up front, on Main Street. We are now more easily accessed, with ample
parking for our patrons.
In addition, we have updated our website with a new look. Please enjoy
browsing through our site, and contact us
with any questions you may have.
This Privacy Policy ("Policy") sets forth the Tewksbury
Music Center ("TMC", "we", or "us")
policies regarding the collection and use of information relating
to the TMC web site located at www.tewksburymusic.com ("Site").
This Policy applies only to www.tewksburymusic.com This Site includes
links to non-TMC web sites, including access to content, products
and services of such nonaffiliated sites (Other Sites). We urge you
to familiarize yourself with the individual privacy and other terms
for Other Sites prior to submitting your personally identifiable information.
TMC may, in its sole discretion, update this Policy at any time and
from time to time, by posting the amended Policy on this Site. The
amended Policy shall be effective upon posting, and any access to
or use of the Site by you following such update shall be deemed consent
to such update. You are encouraged to refer back to this page regularly.
This Policy may not be otherwise amended without the written consent
of TMC. This Policy was last updated on July 1, 2003, at 4:00 pm EST.
If you would like to communicate with TMC regarding privacy issues
or have questions, comments or complaints about this Policy or the
Site, please forward such communication to: Tewksbury Music
1269 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876
In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA")
http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/, TMC has designated an agent to receive
notifications of alleged copyright infringement associated with the
Site. TMC will, upon receiving proper notice as set forth below, use
commercially reasonable efforts to remove or disable access to any
such material as set forth in the DMCA. If you believe that your copyrighted
work or the copyrighted work of another party is being infringed,
please notify us:
US Mail: 1269 Main St. Tewksbury, MA. If material is believed in good
faith by TMC to violate any applicable law, TMC will remove or disable
access to any such material.
To notify TMC of an alleged copyright infringement, please include
all of the following information: i) A physical or electronic signature
of a person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner; ii)
Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed;
iii) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing
and information reasonably sufficient to locate the material; iv)
Information reasonably sufficient to contact the complaining party,
such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic
mail address; v) A statement that the complaining party has a good
faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained
of is not authorized by the copyright owner, it's agent, or the law;
and vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate,
and, under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized
to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly
infringed. |